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1.59 polycarbonate UV 420 Photochromic Lens
TOPFOR UV420 lenses reduce penetration of the high energy blue light (380nm-425nm) emitted by 3C products.
TOPFOR can also protect your eyes through photochromic lenses when engaging in outdoor activities under the sun.
TOPFOR lenses are able to provide great sight protection against blue rays from digital devices like cell phone and computer screens, and against UV sun rays.
1 lens, 2 functions: a photochromic sun lens for your outdoor activities, a blue light filter for your indoor activities.
• Blue block indoor / clear indoor
• Photochromic outdoor / sunglasses outdoor
TOPFOR UV420 lenses reduce penetration of the high energy blue light (380nm-425nm) emitted by 3C products.
TOPFOR can also protect your eyes through photochromic lenses when engaging in outdoor activities under the sun.
TOPFOR lenses are able to provide great sight protection against blue rays from digital devices like cell phone and computer screens, and against UV sun rays.
1 lens, 2 functions: a photochromic sun lens for your outdoor activities, a blue light filter for your indoor activities.
• Blue block indoor / clear indoor
• Photochromic outdoor / sunglasses outdoor